Ethanol Fireplace Fuel Screen Shot

Our mission for this case study is to identify the following page structure and reverse engineer it for Search Engine Optimisation

Article Author Warren Moore
Founder CJ Tech Support, Search Online & Ucard Cloud
Passionate About All things Linux, AI and SEO

Title:  58 characters

  • Ethanol Fireplace Fuel – Odourless Burning Bioethanol Fuel

Description:  149 characters

  • Australia’s biggest range of bioethanol specifically made for ALL ethanol fireplaces. ETHANOL FIREPLACE FUEL gives the best odour free burn possible.

Keywords : 2 values

  • methylated spirit ethanol
  • fireplace fuel bioethanol unscented


Canonical Canonical URL is not defined.


Page Heading Structure

<H5> Unscented Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<H5> Scented Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<H5> Citronella Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<H5> Fireplace Fuel Accessories
<H3> Highest Quality
<H3> Sustainable Resource
<H3> Methanol & hydrocarbon free
<H3> Delivered Australia Wide
<H3> Satisfaction Guaranteed
<H5> Unscented Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<H5> Scented Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<H5> Citronella Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<H5> Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel Accessories
<H5> Got a question?
<H5> Buy our products in store
<H3> Additional Reading
<H3> The Power of Molasses: Benefits of Molasses Produced Ethanol
<H3> Experience the Warmth and Beauty of Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<H3> Citronella and Bioethanol Fireplace
<H3> My Cart

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 0 10 0 10 0

Semantic HTML: Use heading tags (<h1> to <h6>) to define a hierarchical structure that reflects the importance of the sections. There should be only one <h1> tag used for the main title of the page, followed by <h2> for main sections, <h3> for subsections, and so on.

Consistency: Ensure that headings of the same level are used for elements of the same importance.

Accessibility: Proper heading structure is also important for accessibility, as screen readers use these tags to navigate through the content.

SEO Best Practices: Search engines use the headings to index the structure and content of your web pages.

Here’s an improved version of your HTML structure:

Consistency: Ensure that headings of the same level are used for elements of the same importance.

Accessibility: Proper heading structure is also important for accessibility, as screen readers use these tags to navigate through the content.

SEO Best Practices: Search engines use the headings to index the structure and content of your web pages.

Here’s an improved version of your HTML structure:

Recommended Structure

Main title of the page should be H1 and only one per page

Main sections of the page can be H2
<h2>Highest Quality
<h2>Sustainable Resource
<h2>Methanol & Hydrocarbon Free
<h2>Delivered Australia Wide
<h2>Satisfaction Guaranteed

Subsections of the main sections can be H3 or further down depending on context
<h3>Types of Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<h4>Unscented Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<h4>Scented Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<h4>Citronella Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel

<h3>Fireplace Fuel Accessories
Further details under accessories can be H4 or H5

<h3>Customer Service
<h4>Got a question?
<h4>Buy our products in store

<h2>Additional Reading
Articles or related content can be <h2> as they fall under the ‘Additional Reading’ section
<h3>The Power of Molasses: Benefits of Molasses Produced Ethanol
<h3>Experience the Warmth and Beauty of Bioethanol Fireplace Fuel
<h3>Citronella and Bioethanol Fireplace<

If ‘My Cart’ is a section on its own, it can be <h2>, or if it’s part of customer service or similar, it can be <h3> or <h4>
<h2>My Cart

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 7 6 5


Images and Alt Tags

without: ALT 0
without TITLE: 16

Images that need to be complete

Recommended Image Tags

To improve SEO for images, it’s important to use the alt attribute and the title attribute effectively. These attributes help search engines understand what the image is about, which can contribute to better rankings and accessibility for users with screen readers.

Here’s what you should consider for each attribute:

Alt Text: The alt attribute provides a text alternative for search engines and visually impaired users. It should be descriptive and contain any relevant keywords that reflect what the image is about but avoid keyword stuffing. Each alt text should be unique to the image.

Title Text: The title attribute is shown as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the image. It’s less important for SEO than the alt text but can improve user experience. It should be brief and descriptive.

For the repeated image economic-home-heating-white-60px.png, ensure that each instance of the image serves a different purpose or is in a different context. If they are truly identical and repeated without any contextual difference, it’s okay to have the same alt text. However, if they are part of different sections or convey different messages, the alt text should be varied accordingly.

Remember to:

Keep the alt text relevant and succinct.
Avoid using “image of” or “picture of” as screen readers will already announce the image as such.
Use keywords naturally and ensure they align with the content of the page where the image is placed.
If the image is purely decorative and adds no informational content, you can use an empty alt attribute (alt=””), but this doesn’t seem to be the case with your images.
Implementing these changes will help improve the SEO of your images and the overall accessibility of your website.

Internal Link Building

unique 24
internal unique 21
without TITLE 24

# (anchor)
mailto:[email protected] (email)
tel:02 9194 4600

To improve SEO and internal linking, consider the following recommendations: Use Descriptive Anchor Text: The clickable text in a link should be descriptive of the content you’re linking to, rather than generic terms like “click here” or “page”. This helps search engines understand the context of the link. Title Attributes: The title attribute can be used within your anchor tags to provide additional context. While not a major factor in search engine rankings, it can improve the user experience by offering a preview of the linked page when hovered over. Consistent URL Structure: Ensure that your URLs are consistent and follow a logical hierarchy. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site. Avoid Broken Links: Make sure all internal links lead to existing pages. Broken links can harm your SEO. Link to Important Pages: Use internal links to highlight pages that are important for your visitors to find. Nofollow Links: Use the rel=”nofollow” attribute for links that should not pass on link equity, such as login or registration links. Remember to: Use target=”_blank” to open external links in a new tab, but also include rel=”noopener noreferrer” for security and performance reasons. Regularly check your internal links to ensure they are not broken. Use breadcrumb trails on your pages to help users understand the page hierarchy. Use a sitemap and link to it in your footer to help users and search engines find pages on your site. Avoid using the same title for multiple links that lead to different destinations.

Recommended Link Changes

Use descriptive anchor text for internal links <a href=”/” title=”Home”>Home</a> <a href=”/buy-fuel-online” title=”Buy Bioethanol Fuel Online”>Shop Bioethanol Fuel</a> <a href=”/checkout” title=”Checkout”>Checkout</a> <a href=”/ethanol-facts” title=”Learn About Bioethanol”>Bioethanol Facts</a> <a href=”/ethanol-facts/10-about-citronella” title=”About Citronella Bioethanol Fuel”>Citronella Bioethanol Fuel Facts</a> <a href=”/ethanol-facts/20-bioethanol-fuel-ad” title=”Bioethanol Fuel Advertisement”>Bioethanol Fuel Advertisement</a> <a href=”/ethanol-facts/23-the-power-of-molasses-exploring-the-environmental-and-economic-benefits-of-bioethanol-produced-molasses” title=”Environmental Benefits of Molasses Produced Bioethanol”>The Power of Molasses</a> <a href=”/faqs” title=”Frequently Asked Questions”>FAQs</a> <a href=”/my-account” title=”Manage Your Account”>My Account</a> <a href=”/my-cart” title=”View Your Shopping Cart”>My Cart</a> <a href=”/sitemap” title=”Website Sitemap”>Sitemap</a> For external links, ensure they open in a new tab and provide a title –> <a href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Decanting Accessories for Ethanol Fuel”>Decanting Accessories</a> <a href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Outdoor Ethanol Fuel Options”>Outdoor Ethanol Fuel</a> <a href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Scented Ethanol Fuel Varieties”>Scented Ethanol Fuel</a> <a href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Unscented Ethanol Fuel”>Unscented Ethanol Fuel</a> <a href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Our Distributors”>Our Distributors</a> <a href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Frequently Asked Questions”>FAQs</a> For email and telephone links, use descriptive text –> <a href=”mailto:[email protected]” title=”Email Us Your Orders”>Email Your Orders</a> <a href=”tel:0291944600″ title=”Call Us”>Call Us: 02 9194 4600</a> For social media links, ensure they open in a new tab and are clearly labeled <a href=”—Retail/Ethanol-Fireplace-Fuel-101860382001145″ target=”_blank” title=”Visit Our Facebook Page”>Visit Us on Facebook</a>